What is a Blue Badge?
A Blue Badge allows you to park closer to your destination if you are disabled or have difficulties getting out and about. This will also allow you to park in spaces that other people can’t, for example, parking spaces specifically designed for Blue Badge holders.
Rather than being linked to a vehicle, a Blue Badge is linked to yourself, so you can use it in any car whether you are the passenger or the driver. This also includes taxis or hire cars. When you receive your Blue Badge, your local council will give you a leaflet of how to use it in greater detail.
A Blue Badge costs up to £10 in England, £20 in Scotland and are free in Wales. Blue Badges normally lasts up to three years. You must then reapply for a Blue Badge BEFORE your current one runs out.
Where Can You Park With a Blue Badge?
You can park in disabled parking bay for as long as you require, unless there is a sign on the road that states there is a limit.
You can also park on streets with parking meters, or pay and display streets free of charge for as long as you want. You may still have to pay for parking if you are in a private car park, which may include supermarkets or hospitals. Make sure to check the signs on the car park you are entering.
Also, you can park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours, as long as there isn’t a ‘no loading sign’. Some councils still let blue badge holders park here even if there is a ‘no loading’ sign. However, it is best to check with your local council on their policies for this.
You also may be entitled to a free disabled parking space near your home. Different councils will have different rules on who can apply and the amount this will cost.
Having a blue badge doesn’t exempt you from all of the parking rules, you can still get a fine if you park somewhere that may endanger people, such as outside of a school or near a junction.
Some London boroughs do not allow for blue badge holders to park for free and is best to check with them where you can and cannot park for free. You should check in the following boroughs:
- The City of Westminster
- The City of London
- The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea
- Parts of The London Borough of Camden
The blue badge scheme does NOT apply in car parks that are off the street like supermarkets and hospitals and also private roads, such as those found at airports.

How Do You Qualify For a Blue Badge
You automatically qualify for a blue badge if you are over the age of two and at least one of the following applies to you
- You receive War Pensioner’s mobility supplement
- You receive the higher rate of the mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- You are registered blind (severely sight impaired)
- You receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) because you cannot walk more than 50 meters, this is a score of 8 or above when you have been assessed for the ‘moving around’ activity on the mobility component.
- When you have been assessed for the ‘planning and following journeys’ and have been scored 10 or more points on the grounds that you are unable to undertake journeys as it would provide you with overwhelming psychological distress.
- You have received a lump sum benefit within tariff levels 1-8 of the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation) Scheme and have been certified with having a disability that causes you the inability to walk or very considerable difficulties walking
If you have a disabled child under the age of three then you may be able to get a blue badge. Your child must have medical equipment with them that may be hard to carry, or would always have to be close to the vehicle in case of an emergency. Your local council may get in touch with your child’s doctor asking for further information before you receive your blue badge.
If you are an organisation that cares for and transports disabled people, you may also be entitled to a blue badge. You can only use the blue badge if you have a disabled person on board, or if you are picking up a disabled person.
What is The Maximum Walking Distance For a Blue Badge?
To qualify for a blue badge you have to have very considerable difficulties walking and is awarded to people who cannot walk more than 50 meters safely. This equates to 8 or more points on the ‘moving around’ activity on your PIP assessment.

How To Apply For A Blue Badge
You can apply online through the Government website for your blue badge. If you are doing this, you will need:
- A digital photo showing your head and shoulders.
- Proof of identity, this could be driving license, birth certificate or your passport)
- Proof of address, this could be council tax bill or government letter.
- If you get any then proof of benefits.
- If you have one, you’ll need to know your National Insurance number
Depending on what you put on your application form you may be asked to provide additional information such as the medication you take and any letter from health professionals. Your council may ask you take undertake further assessments to decide whether your eligible or not.
What Happens At A Blue Badge Assessment?
An assessment will usually last from 30 minutes up to an hour. A health professional will take a look at how well you are able to carry out a range of mobility tasks. They will inform your council on whether they think your health condition or disability limits your ability to get around enough for you to need a badge.
How Long Does A Blue Badge Take To Process?
It can take up to three months for your blue badge application to be processed. It is best to get in touch with your local council to check how long this may take.
How to Renew A Blue Badge
To renew your blue badge you will have to undertake the same process as applying for a blue badge, which can be done online, or through the post. This could take your local council up to 12 weeks to reply and make a decision. As you will not get a reminder to renew your badge, it is your responsibility to keep track of when it may run out. It is recommended that you renew it 4 weeks before the expiry date. If you continue to use your blue badge after it has expired you may receive a penalty charge.
Can I Apply For A Blue Badge As A Carer
You can only apply for a blue badge as a requirement. As a carer, you may be entitled to use your passenger’s blue badge as long as they are in the vehicle with you. If someone you care for meets the requirements for a blue badge, you can use it in your car as long as they are with you. This means that they cannot lend it to you without them being in the vehicle too.

Customise Your Blue Badge
Are you looking to display your Blue Badge Holder with confidence and style? Consider customising your blue badge with one of Modern Mobility’s Blue Badge Permit Covers
Our exclusive Hologram Safe design ensures that holograms on permits are never covered, protecting them from damage and complying with Department of Transport guidelines. Each wallet includes a free timer clock which is made with superior plastic cogs and can be dialed without removal.
If you would like any further information on this then please get in contact with us.
I am increasingly having mobility problems as I had 3 stents fitted am asthmatic and am now awaiting a hip replacement. I am in receipt of Attendance Allowance but it seems I do no qualify for a Blue Badge as I am not on DLA or PIP and am 67 years old. Can I still apply and if so how please?
Hi Paul, In regards to applying for a blue badge, it would be best to get in contact with your local council to see if there’s anything they can do for you
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